Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Light Within

In the gold is a bag of gold,
and lo and behold I am told
it’s always there.
Abundance flows,
and he who believes is she who knows,
and in this light and all around
there is gold dust to be found.

And where you seek is in your heart
and where you dwell is within
and there within,
in your heart center
is the one:
your life mentor.

So go within and there is gold.
Spread the precious dust you find
to all around and leave behind
anything that no longer is
the essence of the way you feel.
Bring yourself to the well
and presently she who is,
is she who dwells.
So here you are happily
being yourself and being free.

The gold, it’s true, is inside you,
the well it sits within
so draw your life’s flow from the bubbling stream
and light will shine
and leaves will gleam
and flowers are the gifts for you:
petals soft and colors rich,
this is the way of Nature’s gifts.

Bring yourself the gems there are
and share the light from every star
and live the way your heart knows true
so being yourself is healing you.

Written with a rare, rich magenta colored,
tree peony flower on October 13, 2014
It was the first ever flower, and the only bloom.
This photo was taken in a windstorm,
and the verse came to me, instantly,
when I saw the golden pouch-Doctrine of Signatures,
as I uploaded the image on my new Nikon camera.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I Weep

I weep
in this moment I feel
I weep for the world
I weep for your loss
and I weep for what
you feel is lost.

I sigh
I sigh and see
that spring has come.
I release the tears
that have begun
to well in my eyes
and pond up my vision
but I see ahead

I know that you
are grieving now
indeed you must
release the pain
of feeling you never
will see him again.

I believe you will in other ways
know he is with you
in these earthly days.
A thought, a way,
a memory here,
a day at a time
will walk you through
until time brings togetherness
again to you.

I smile in my heart
for the love I feel,
for the gratitude
that two
were dedicated to
sharing each day
in the only way
that they knew how
so love was present behind every cloud.

You gave your heart,
you gave each day
you loved him dearly,
now he has passed away.
But never feel you are alone
you have a well of tears within
and wonder how
you will begin
to walk on now,
but believe you will
have inner strength to carry you
and in your heart you know it’s true.

So dear lady, please sit and rest
you did your very, very best
you now need days and days to weep and sigh
and let the smiles you have for him
twinkle in your eyes again.

Love is with you
love is here
grieve as long as endless years
and feel comfort from those around you
who share their warmth, their love, their tears.

Family and friends
will comfort you
lean on them
as you need to
let yourself grieve and grieve
take all the time
you gave to him
and nourish yourself in gentle ways
as you come into each coming day.

My Dear, your heart is warm
and all who ever met you
see your kindness,
feel your heart,
so today
know, we all do think of you
and care and hope that in your time
your heavy heart will come to heal
and the light surrounding you
will lift your spirits and guide you through
knowing you gave constant care
and love for your beloved in the life you shared.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


In many ways herein it lies,
in ways that are not disguised,
so to find the well within,

Begin to be all you are
begin to see the distant far.
Begin to walk the pebbled track
and no longer be looking back.

Be where you are, be here and now
live your dream,
you, are awake.
So sit on grass beside the lake,
lie down and look as clouds pass over
you lie softly in the clover.
All you have done, has led you here,
and let us show you very clearly,
we are with you as you go
walking softly, or sitting low
ever always there will be
signs ahead to lead you on,
you, know the ways we bring to you,
we know when you are feeling weary,
just clear the clutter you seek to place
and there will be living space.


Whispers On The Breeze

Tenderly, tenderly, 
listening to spirit whispers on the breeze
now that the gale forces have passed
and it’s quiet at last.
And what I hear
I do believe the times have changed
the past I’ve grieved,
and new times are surely, awakening now.
Begin again my life somehow.
Let it be free and peaceful,
ever constant Love
surrounds and inspiration flows to me
to see the forest and swim the seas,
to know indeed where I will be,
as I surrender naturally.
Come tomorrow and a new day
joy is here, it has come to stay.

Written with the small black feather
from a New Holland Honey-eater on September 28, 2014

Wandering Along And What Do I See

You will see a pink sign we will set by the road
Go through the grasses and wildflower blooms
Oh Joy! Rose Quartz in the ground and rose chunks around
We wandered down this secluded bush track
There will be blue peace and white light!
Dragonflies are all around at the deep lake
My woolly dog Bob
First feather four feathers of down
Almost unbelievable! Lilac Light
     And I do not have a photograph of what came next!!!!

Dragonflies have circled in the previous few hours,
three Rose Quartz were found on the ground,
little Blue Wrens were playing in the wattles
Kookaburra flew overhead in the tall ‘old growth’ eucalyptus forests
I found feathers from small birds
and a lovely folded, blue and white floral handkerchief.
And we had a quiet conversation with a golden Stumpy Lizard.

So we will wander on down the track
after our special Spring adventure in the presence of Pan
one lizard dreaming and possibly more
this parcel was delightful, for sure.

Now 1.05pm:
Well how unbelievable unless you could see,
a soft lilac feather there on the ground
as we near the lower lake to sit for a spell
and truly wonder what this message is?
I am tired from the walking and the climbing in heat,
so it is good to be sitting on this green seat.
When I received the guidance to come out today
I never imagined a purple feather display
as I look, I wonder
and I am open to more
as the strong breezes blow and this feather is soft
I will wait to hear whatever more comes along
as water-birds nearby are singing their spring song……

We were walking slowly through the small, lake-side pine forest area,
with our tired feet cushioned by the soft floor of pine needles.
Bob was tired.
So was I.
Yet I was happy to have a bevy of gifts from the earth on this day.

Just then, there came a red-bellied black snake
sliding and spiraling right across our path
with great speed and a greater shock to me
I witnessed Kundalini energy.
Right there
my next footstep was about to go
it was certainly not moving as slow
as we were at this time
and neither did I sit down and write the details
as I picked up Bobby Boy
and stepped backwards
as I realized it had purpose to be on it’s way
down to the water on this warm sunny day.

So in this Now
Right Here, Right Now
I have purpose and I have faith
and the lilac feather was there at the gate
so I would wait
a while to witness the black snake.

Written on the Spring Equinox, Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Parcel Is Coming

We are sending a parcel, a parcel to you,
one to open your heart
and let you see through all there is surrounding you.

Now you may wonder if this gift
will be coming soon to bring you a lift
after all the packing, lifting and shifting
now you are in the midst
of so much unpacking,
to set up your space
and there will be inspiration in so many places
you will delight with the treats
and smiles on the faces
of devas, elves and the earthy gnomes
and we want you to wander through wooded valleys
to see what you find,
take your time and walk awhile
and the little dog Bob, will certainly smile
as you go through the grasses and wildflower blooms
and so many birds will fly overhead
with a feather or two, floating down to you.

When you find each feather, then you will take a seat
and write down in your journal each greeting
we bring to you……
Start when you see the very first one
and continue the pages in the order they come…….

This is the story we want you to share
so take a packed lunch
as you will be there, a few hours,
as the Equinox of Spring is the start of the new
messages we are sending
to guide you to all that will come,
in the coming months and years
and you will share these love stories
with all who will hear and read
and uncover them too
as each one is a blessing
coming through to you
and those who have love in their hearts to share,
so set up your light and bright warm new rooms
and be ready to go in the early morning,
follow your heart
and drive to these callings…….

You will see a pink sign we will set by the road
and fruit trees are blossoming,
the warm sun will be shining.
Take the first bend after you pass the pink
and keep your mind free
for all there is new,
no need for thinking, to follow us through
like Alice, you will be surprised
and take your camera to photograph
the delightful signs.

So we will leave you with this Tuesday walk
and see what you write, and hear you talk
and all around will be blue peace and white light
so enjoy the rest, after a month of creating
the best place in the lightest space
to let your heart sing and welcome this Spring.

Written on Sunday September 21, 2014