Friday, May 24, 2024

As Every Leaf Leaves

As every leaf leaves
and so do you,
will you ever know
where I landed.

I wonder if you will ever see,
I am a falling leaf.
I feel like a falling leaf.
I came to leave as quietly as an autumn leaf.
I came to leave as quietly as an autumn leaf.
I came to quietly leave this autumn tree.
Now may I rest peacefully. 
Part 2
Do we see different trees?
My Sorrow lands as Autumn leaves.
As quiet as you say you are,
I hear the leaf-blower blasting me
as it seems to be
blowing leaves OFF my trees,
blowing the leaves off my tree.
If leaves on an autumn tree
represent Humanity,
and if I share with you,
through the summer winds
and then it seems in your storms,
you need me to leave your branch
before my Mother Nature calls.
So then I do.
I go.
So, that being so,
I am unprepared for that call.
And so I fall.
I fall.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Peaceful Waters

There is Grace this morning
as Nature curiously all aligns,
while silver lights the view we see
with more blue sky Infinity.
Peace dwells
in the essence of tranquility
when the Winged Ones come
from where they are
floating closer than the stars. 
Photo Credit: SJ,
Black Swans, May Morning, Geelong, Australia

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Our Time To Rest

From the start, 
some sadness is written on our hearts
our troubles come early,
they sit within, from the beginning.
And, it is written on my heart,
I will always love you,
in all ways, I love you.
I know you,
I feel you fading today.
We are so very tired at this time.
Weary as we are, we breathe together.
I will always love you, always Love,
with love always.
(Written 1.35am, May 11, 2024)
One month of Saturdays,
and here you are, looking well again,
at times still running, still playing,
still always woofing down your nourishing meals.
So your ever-beating-strong heart,
pumps on through it all.
You love to stay here.
So It Will Be, And So It Is, for you and me.
Another beginning.
A joyous restart.
You always live in my heart. 
Blessings be for little Bobby with his beautiful brain.
Love to our friends here, for your patience to wait with us
in this space, for almost a month.
We will know further along.
Time comes and goes, and only God Knows
when to really lay down,
and when is best to really rest.

Peace and love to all on this day,
Bee and Bobby xo