Monday, December 20, 2021

Joy To The World

Coming in the Light of Love
golden angels are above,
as mother nature welcomes our illumination
to peace, joy and harmony
with bright hope, truth and bravery
for all of life to see. 

Blessings to you and each other
May our hearts be lifted to nurture
to share our goodness and creative spirit
here upon a New Earth.

Wishing you a Happy Year in 2022



May Your Christmas Be Cheerful And Bright

In the summer garden
there were spicy carnations calling me,
and then beside the vase I see
little friends from underneath the Christmas tree.
The Summer Solstice is here today
so I just smile and say
to all our friends near and far,
may life be peaceful where you are,
may all light be as bright as the Christmas star
while shepherds guide you safely home.
May Blessings of Joy and Love
be with you all Now, and through The New 2022


Little Angels With You

In the joy of this day
and the Summer Solstice shining in
may you always know
little angels live within
the flowers...


Friday, November 26, 2021

A Call To Healing


All healing on the deepest level
comes from Self-acceptance, rest, faith and grace.
When we call Grace into our lives
and surrender our healing to the Creative,
will the cells of the body begin replenishing.
And when we respect and honor ourselves,
by actually
following through with radical self-care,
then, we turn the corner
to heal our hearts, and heal our lives.

By creating what we love
and, being our sensitive selves,
we are then, deeply expressing our emotions,
and hopefully, gradually relieving some repressed,
suppressed, or often hidden feelings
in gentle and healing ways...
The healing comes with sincere, gradual 
and humble expression of our deepest truth.

Flowering Tea-Tree - Australian native shrub
May assist digestion, and emotional equilibrium

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Lost Handwritten Illustrated Poem

Haunted by the poetry,
why take the gift you gave to me?

All but one line of promises vanished then,
when, you were calling me to see 
far away to halcyon days.
The haunting may come again after the rain,
or, the sun will shine as the mists decline.
So the choice I see is to let it be
a mystery.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Velvet Petals

Now I live in treasured spaces within.
I glow in radiance with the flowers.
I like the lightness of the day, as in my life I say:

Both joy and sorrow travel this path with heart
and so we grow expressing the inner Self 
we have come to know.

Be soft, be gentle, be tender and kind
Rest your heart in velvet petals.


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Roses Are Red, Eyes Are Blue

He came as a lovely 'visitation',
dressed up and neatly shaven, 
never ever did he look this calm
as when he touched my arm
and slid beside me on a street-cafe bench-seat.
They say you know when grace arrives.
You hear the words singing through 
the silent lift of spirit surrounding you.
And then his face was very close.
His shirt was the white linen best,
that one he wore, when he was laid to rest.
He looked so well, his eyes were blue.
I looked into his face and said,
You are not dead?!
I remained still. I was so happy to see him.
Then, the last lingering vision,
was that these new-blue eyes 
were wearing?
the wonderfully white linen shirt!
With the 'knowing' of mourning,
this joy will be within me.


Monday, November 8, 2021

Now She Flies In Higher Skies

My feathered friend has flown away:
she went suddenly this sunny day
as in my palm she lay so soft and warm.
I sang a song the lilies know.....
she flies in higher skies.



Come on the door is open for you
come over, come through.
The light is lit
the fire is warm
the days are longer
the sun shines now
so make the trip in coming days
as there are ways just waiting.
You have the faith
you know your place
you lead in ways that will relay
a sense of peace and timing
just some small words you innocently say
that will help in healing ways.......
The magpie still calls from the tree
his haunting song brings memories
but all is well he sees afar,
into the distance from where you are.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Where Doves, Honey-birds and Fairy-Bells Dwell


This sunny day is dawning
as the honey-birds are calling
to cooing doves above in the myrtle trees,
so would you believe
this scene where the fairy-bells bloom,
is the room,
that is still the space
where an empty nest rests in place.


The Empty Nest


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

On A Sunny Day You Quietly Say.........


Whilst standing in the street
on a sunny day, you quietly say
"I just wanted to thank you
for being a friend
in the times when you were a friend."

Monday, October 25, 2021

Finding Another Note

Learn to live with those who love you.

This was another hand-written note 
that I found in an old book on an old table 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Hearing You Come Through

I weep for the lost times
the forgotten rhymes
the way 'beyond the line' times
the place I pray to never go again times,
while healing all the sadness
and crying through the madness,
while wondering why
and knowing now I will never know
and neither will I ever go
to the space and place again.
For now I am with you God
and I have seen the truth
and I will carry the candle light
so in my heart I know
you are my guide in every way
as we stay present in this day.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Cornflower Blue

"Cornflower Blue, deeper than the evening sky
peaceful as a river, bluer than goodbye.
Blue like the diamond when the light shines true,
if love came in colors 
then I'd choose this one for you, Cornflower Blue"
Lyrics written by Kate Wolf, California, 1981
Another Sundown Publishing Co. (BMI) 


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Where The Lilies Live

Down in the dell 
where these openhearted violet leaves dwell
there came to be a blackbird with me.

Her family nests here.
They forage,
eat the apples and sing their songs
as if they knew,
St Francis of Assisi comes here too.
These Italian lilies were never planted:
they just arrived to thrive,
as all the many lilies do, and every friendly bird.



Tuesday, September 28, 2021

This Note Was Found


When she opened to me
like a flower
but I fell on her like a stone.
I fell on her like a stone.

I love you
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Cherishing Love

Seemingly, just when I appear to be
humming along quietly,
there comes a time to re-align
to weave my past,
to look again
to wash away the stain I thought was gone
as in the trauma there was I
left behind with no goodbye.
So now,
to set me free emotionally
I retrieve my soul so I will be
fully present, alive and bright.

These soft forget-me-nots
lighten the heart and know,
that it is only
the Love given and the Love received
to be cheerfully, living in our memories.



Tuesday, September 14, 2021

When All Around Is Springing

While the hills are green
and sunshine will arrive here soon
I am joyously over the moon 
to see you 
Viburnum carlesii and whiff sweet-spicy scent
you share in this cold air.
I take heart today 
to be simple in the ways I live these days.


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Colouring Prayers

A little time of something
brings a great love of another.





Saturday, August 14, 2021

Yes Sweetheart

For you Bobby,
many prayers are answered in many ways
and many days I thought 
they were all answered at once,
as helpers came from the unseen worlds
and distant places,
sharing wonderful healing graces.
All light was shining through the darker nights,
so although
I sometimes wonder when we'll go
I always know we are never alone,
and Yes, I know our glorious beating hearts show 
'the only way to go is through'
so I will stay with you.
Written August 14, 2021

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Ones With Me

Dear Friends,

This winter here in South Australia,
is leading to Spring with the Jonquils, Daphne, Violets,
Camellias and French Lavender all looking cheerful.
And as I naturally live my life, deeply connected to the flowers,
trees, herbs, weeds and birds,
it is happy news to share that I have started 2 more blogs,
and you can link to them through viewing my Profile
here at my main blog, Come Blossom Come Fruit.
Come Blossom Come Fruit
Pink Love Shining
Fully Faithfully
To Flower Within
The Ones With Me
I intend to share verses from The Ones -
The Masters and Beings of Light, 
Spiritual Masters and my Spirit Guides, Animal, 
plant and nature spirits and benevolent helpers,
seen and unseen - 
instead of compiling a book of selected poems.

Please click on any of my 5 blogs when you view my profile.
Blessings and Peace, Love Bee xo

Friday, July 30, 2021

Looking Through To Kindness

In the presence of silence
I come to hear
the harmonious hum of maidenhair
so my mothers life passes by
as my grandmothers ferns
grow green and free
and all around me
I feel 
the courage and strength
the stretching times
when humility was there to see,
when quiet patience and blessed grace
led them through what they did face,
and in those times
along the way,
I was playing in grassy fields
gathering flowers to present
my love in simple ways,
and all the time
they kept the pace 
with hearts of hope and lights of faith.
So here today,
my soul it leans to the other side
to bless strong women
who led the way
by examples shown
to lift our days
with continual care
they embraced and shared
 their gentle hearts of kindness.
Blessed Be
'the golden-hearts' of generosity
 This is the 3rd message
which has come
 from the maidenhair fern, 
the pastel pink carnation and mauve hyacinths.
My Love is with you 
 Blessings and Peace


Monday, July 26, 2021

Undoing the Weary Threads

Comes the time
 along the way
when guides up high
 shine through to say:
The letting go of the past
is the way to each new day,
 to welcome joy as it displays
in every new and blooming flower
in each second of every hour
so be the one within
who knows,
undoing weary threads
 is the wisdom way
to present new choices
which lead in kindly light
and honor truth, so we all see
candles in the heart of humanity.


Friday, July 16, 2021

Poet's Heart

We live in a world torn between
wanting to listen to the sound of a flower growing
and wanting to ignore the sound of the sky falling.
By sometimes being sensitive enough to the first process
we acquire the energy necessary to prevent the second.
- Author unknown -


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Humming In Harmony

You saw the cloudy sky and I saw the pale lagoon,
you saw the moon.
I see the sun in the sky
who see the tears in my eye.
I hear the trees sing with a clear melody, 
you sing the song to belong,
so I hum in harmony.
I hear golden eggs humming as our New Earth is coming.


Friday, July 2, 2021

Below The Surface

"When people are near to the ground it is mostly
 in a nuclear sense"

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

With This Tree

What is the fungi eating
The tree knows, so sit with the tree.
Listen to it's roots.
You already know and this tree grows.
This came early in the morning of June 11, 2021
All these messages came and were written in the dark.
They float by, sharing possibilities, to bring listening 
and wisdom to trauma, and more warmth of love
and understanding into lost faces and riven spaces.
June 1-11, 2021