Sunday, October 20, 2024


"Spurt into the space you are facing."
Spurt - to show marked, usually increased,
activity or energy for a short period.
This is the waking message
I received
to boost creativity in my Bloom-Room
Start now
One thing at a time
Then the Next One

Friday, October 18, 2024

Handwashed For Years

Over the years I have received
many family handkerchiefs
embroidered beautifully
which have safely stayed with me.
I have shared your grief and genes 
my gardens are the beauty
of all our previous plants and seeds.
My life has come to flower
on the paths that came for me
so I happily
take your hand-washed cloths
into this life I see.
My gratitude is tender
my love does deeply ride
along whatever comes my way
so often-times I cry
and oftener in every while
I weep to let me smile.
But life continues
as we are here a certain time
so it is often how it is
'many things are tucked-away' inside
a special container in the chest
where we save our best.
So they stay
there for comfort in sorrow
and then
we hand wash them clean
press them flat
and fold them neatly back
into that place until we face
more occasions in the morrow
where some home beauty in the every-day
helps us wipe our tears away.
Dear Friends,
I thought a long time about handkerchiefs,
from our ancestors, and those found
in homes, boxes or drawers.
Some end-up donated to the opportunity shop.
Folk told me they keep the best
to use at funerals, though most often
any tears were held for private times.
People hide their feelings.
They make cups of tea
and become 'the jolly one' in the sad times.
Most women told me
they use everyday hankies, 
and good ones stay in their handbags.
I use my Mums, Dads, Grans and Nannas
and I know, in life, Mum, Dad and I
used them most, and held them close.
Love Bee xxo

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Healing Autoimmune Inside Out

That church bell
is wringing slowly
with a million miles 
to go
every -  body
is going slow
Some of them know
every -  thing
has its own time
to cross the line
to Glory.
We will know
when we know
we will go
step - by - step
Just bless the strain
Bless the rains
Part 2
I am running 
for cover
with my gloves in my hands
Will the flowers
still bloom
if the room
is empty
and I go to the forest
and I call to the trees
Take cover
shelter your leaves
(This literally was a sleep message on September 9th 9/9
with the healing theme of defenselessness)

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I Smile To Your Heart

Oh Mr Spoonbill
I smile to your heart
for there is always
this deeply simple lift of spirit
to be walking slowly by
as you are stalking
or just slowly walking through
the early morning reflections of this day.
My smiling heart reflects
this stillness you perfect
so let all peace shine-on strong in you.
Photo Credit: SJ, Great Egret, Geelong, Victoria, Australia 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Tell Me One More Time

I took this photo on September 26, 2024 
as I was playing one of my favorite songs,
on endless repeat and singing,
and also had been writing an eulogy,
in retrospect, for my Dad and Mum.
And yes it was 2 days before Kris died,
in his home in Hawaii, on September 28, 2024.
He was 88 years old.
So I was bringing us altogether
one more time, like the old days.
And next day I was playing 'This Old Road",
another in that trilogy of albums,
the other being "Feeling Mortal".

The framed poster
of Kris Kristofferson with his guitar at the 2008
Live At The Olympia Theater- Dublin, Ireland,
is one of my collection, and came with the CD
'Closer To The Bone'.
It has the lyrics which are rolling on the rhyme.
So brilliant and quintessentially Kris, 
and why I repeatedly love singing with the album.
'Tell Me One More Time',
 is title of song by Kris Kristofferson.
I have been buying and playing his albums since 1971,
and do listen very often so I know all the lyrics.
I saw him solo live in concert in Adelaide in 2019.

Here are some words written yesterday on
"As with so many of Kristofferson's songs,
he whispers in your ear from some kind of warm
and transcendent philosophical place, 
offering comfort, perspective,
and the possibility of hope when all is lost.
'For The Good Times',
is a masterclass in empathy and simplicity,
being able to capture
the most complex angle on the human condition,
all with a few well-placed words.
I'll be listening to these songs forever."- Henry Wagons
Blessings, peace, truth, freedom and big-hearted Love,
will live on for The Pilgrim.
My heart is deeply grateful for all his creativity 
and deep soul expression.
Love Bee xo


Friday, September 27, 2024

Blue Light And Blue Skies

Today your Lilac
is gloriously blooming
in the sky above your small grave.
As I walk by many times,
all the gnomes are always present
while little pixie friends play.
I reached some flowers.
See them here for you.
Butterflies now grace our garden
as golden dandelions shine,
I see you resting in the violet leaves
of where you came to be.   
There is blue light with me at night
as I lie in a warm bed
listening to blackbirds singing in the dark,
calling the dawn of morning.
My heart is with you Bobby, and the lilacs.
This is my 700th post to Come Blossom Come Fruit.
When I started here in August 2012 Poppy, my Italian Greyhound
was with me constantly, so, in my deep grief,
many lovely verses came to me when she died
in early September 2013.




Wednesday, September 25, 2024

How Did The Doves Nest Just Arrive?

I breathe
I grieve.
Yesterday I think of nests,
garden birds landing beside me
as I stand among the flowers
blessing your little body in the soil,
feeling slow, as I ponder where to plant alyssum
and wonder when
I will have more able strength
to do what helps me sing and everything.

Twas from last Autumn to this current Spring,
the trees came down,
the flowering creeper went away
and I found myself 
grieving their loss and mine.
Now your love of sunshine
heartens me on this cold day
as blue skies above
brighten our little flowers with the gnomes.

Something happened overnight,
or with a magpie's flight,
as an empty very feathered nest
is resting in the violet leaves.
It is a sign that things appear
even though no tree is near,
it has joined your graveside place
and the birds are with me
as they were with you
when warm sunshine shines through.
(Written September 16, 2024)


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

'We Grow By Delays'

Decades ago he said to you:
"Finish it all, I didn't do."
and now I wonder what that was to mean
is there some understanding I am to gleam
from this peculiar dream.
And just before I heard that comment,
I heard him say again to you
"The doctor's advice came true"
when he said to the man
"Get a dog you understand."

These snippets of a life,
where his often perplexing misunderstandings
kept his body anguished by the confusion
of crossing intersections,
needless to know
of where to head or where to go.
Pondering the circles of indecision,
looking down at his feet
rather than the landscape vision
he could complete
and happily travel and sometime meet
new opportunities.
When loitering is helpful
and meandering is a pleasant path, 
wisdom shows "We grow by delays".
So we know
by going back to look again,
dreams may then flow
to let blocked emotions go.

"We grow by delays" is a quote by the author of
"The Cloud Of Unknowing" (see my previous post 
September 21, 2024)
Photo credit: Nigella, flower seeds for sale
Lambley Nursery, Ascot, Victoria, Australia

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Finish It All I Didn't. What?

I heard him say :
in conversation to his friend 55 years ago,
in his own tone of weary resignation:
"Finish it all I didn't. I didn't finish it at all" 
And then yesterday I found a quote 
"As the author of 'The Cloud of Unknowing' states it
"We grow by delays",
and for this reason the later expressions
of our plans are often
more productive and meaningful
than they could possibly have been at the earlier time".
"It is a question of the appropriate moment."
Quote from Ira Progoff, in his book
'At A Journal Workshop".
Dialogue House Library, 1975

Dear Friends,
It is all so healing and inspiring
to be now working with current dreams and inner wisdom,
and to find new possibility in this Now momentum,
many long decades later. In my wisdom years!
I thought my dreams of past months were in code,
and now I see creative fulfillment blossoming.
How astounding.
All of nature has laws and codes.
Blessings and love,

Photo credit: Lambley Nursery Garden,
Ascot, Victoria, Australia. Autumn 2024

Tulips and Bluebells

Things come and things go
people come and people go
days come and days go
so now, gloriously
creative gentleness is here to see,
tulips, bluebells, seeds, flowers, bees and trees.
Photo credit: Lambley Nursery, Spring gardens, 2024
Ascot, Victoria, Australia

As All Beauty Blooms

Now just walking by I see
your blooming glory showing me
everywhere I look this day
I witness spontaneity at play
so as I go along my way
everything shines today.
It is that nature has her time
where buds are growing 
as elsewhere flowers fade,
or are too long in the shade
so potential fragrance wafts away.
Some years her flowers stay bright for days
but in present time
the wind has come suddenly,
so now we wait a year
for annual flowering to reappear.
Each open bloom is only brief,
in life plants grow new leaves
to welcome the coming warmth of summer
when tomorrow presents differently
our loitering becomes possibility.

Photo: Bee Porteous, Vibernum carlessi, in my garden,
September, Spring 2024


Thursday, August 29, 2024

"Immortality" by Clare Harner 1934

Do not stand

          By my grave, and weep.
I am not there,
I do not sleep—

I am the thousand winds that blow

I am the diamond glints in snow

I am the sunlight on ripened grain,

I am the gentle, autumn rain.

As you awake with morning’s hush,

I am the swift, up-flinging rush

Of quiet birds in circling flight,

I am the day transcending night.

     Do not stand

          By my grave, and cry—

     I am not there,

          I did not die.
— Clare Harner, The Gypsy, December 1934

Above is the version published in The Gypsy of December 1934
(page 16), under the title "Immortality" 
and followed by the author's name and location:
"CLARE HARNER, Topeka, Kan."[1]: 424 
The indentation and line breaks are as given there. 
Photo taken: Bee Porteous, 1.09pm, August 19, 2024.
Delicate, open bell-shaped pink flowers Azelea/Rhododendron
'Abundance of Beauty' -
'A beauty that blossoms abundantly and without reserve'. 
"Flowers and Their Messages" - The Mother

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Treasures For Faith and Harmony

My tiny shadow lies beside me,
a small baby,
contained in a decorative lace bassinet,
so far away from familiar faces,
no places for me to see their smiles
as I am fostered miles from home
and this was then when
I lost the bonds of all I knew to be true.
I cling to soft ribbons and lace
I cannot swim, I never do,
I only float and hope
I will be found safe and sound.

Venus in Libra led me through
to my deep affinity with unusual containers
as safe places for treasures, feathers,
baskets holding fallen nests,
seed pods and bells,
gemstones and pebbles from wild places
in carved wooden bowls,
or in tin, or timber trunks,
storing Raku with gifts from you.

Almost all my containers
do contain more containers,
and somewhere within me
lives all faith and harmony,
knowing that what is tucked inside,
a floral or painted box
will be, found eventually.

I see these as places of safe-keeping
almost every thing will live anew with you
or 'who-ever-new, finds what is 'left behind'.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Some Spring Is Springing

Flowing, growing, glowing, 
knowing, showing,
showering, flowering:
Oh Joy, I see a few new blooms
rising from the frosted soil.
They do it simply,
ever so quietly,
until two are peeping through,
so I see, these blue early signs
our winter will subside one day
as sunshine lights our way.
Some spring is springing
It’s about waiting and watching.
It’s about beginning and believing,
or believing and beginning.
It is knowing the soil will help the bulbs.
The rain will help the bulbs,
the sun will help the bulbs,
until one cold morning,
up will pop!! the beautiful flowers,
then more little bulbs,
keep on growing further on up the hill,
like a family always knowing,
Life blooms many times over, Roses to Clover....
I find Winter-Spring flowering bulbs
one of the simple joys of life.
Sweet joy to each of you 
Love Bee xo

Monday, July 22, 2024

My Love

I asked myself 9 days ago
What is my best way to Be now?
And this revelation came to me at 4.09am:
"I now know to Be my own true love."


Sunday, July 14, 2024


Bobby Sweetheart,
this is one of my lovely pictures of you,
with your shining heart beaming through,
so much so, the vet always said,
when we thought it was the end,
"He's got a strong heart.
He wants to stay, he is happy with you,
so keep taking care of him"
In this photo Bobby was cradled in my lap
and we shared love and play for 9 weeks more.

With love to all for your gentle thoughts,
Bee and Bobby xoxo

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Noticing Quiet Things

This winter glow
brings quiet things
rarely noticed
but deeply felt as caring gifts
thankfully received
and continually cherished in my deepest heart.
Grace, peaceful blessings and deep serenity
to all, Love Bee xo

Monday, July 8, 2024

Lighting Our Way

Sweet love of mine, what joy I have
I am most glad to see you
dressed in pearly white this full moon night.

Shall we dance, sweet jonquil,
shall we sing quietly
shall the stillness bring us through.

The years of tears
are gently taken to heaven to rise again
and fall with the spring rain,
when time has passed and our hearts are lifted
with the artistry of daffodils
blooming on the grassy hills.
These Jonquils are chosen with fondest love
for my Dad, my Mum and my best friend, Bobby
who passed away,
in separate years, in the morning of July 5.