Thursday, February 29, 2024

Touch Our Hearts

Yes, yes Dear Ones
there are always ways,
always ways for more
for sharing caring,
being there
bringing kindness,
sharing the goodness of your heart,
saving the environment
with your love
for the Earth
for the trees,
sharing seeds,
planting more seeds,
sharing smiles
food, warmth and shelter,
giving more, more unconditionally,
beautifully lifting all of life
whatever simple way you have
to be present,
to bring your peaceful heart,
to bring your quiet mind
to breath your harmonious ways
into the days for others
to know some kindness
to know someone softly touches their hearts,
moves with the trees in the breeze
as wings fly over and above
there is ever only Love.
Inspired with Jack Kornfield, Sounds True One conversation
Image credit: Lions Roar Buddhist Journal

Friday, February 2, 2024

Golden Light

How good would it be
if you were here to see these yellow carnations
as we celebrate the 100th birthday
with golden gifts
shining all the way to heaven today.

But we know you come and go
as in our hearts we are all free
so life goes forward as do we.
In my life,
and in the closing years of your life,
I lived with deep sadness.

Where did I find this sadness?
Was it from far away in other lands, places,
rivers or seas?
My mother's womb?
My father's heart?
My mother's heart?
Her mother's heart?
How do I call it to rise? 
To share feelings?
Is it a sad song? 
A past life? A yearning to belong?

A way through will come to me.
The truth yet to see.

Now, I am healed.
When I learned, to stand aside from it.
I found acceptance, peace, gentleness,
understanding, sincerity, release,
joy and freedom.
Then, and not til then,
did I meet my own devoted heart
and then, did I, then see,
all golden light on the path.