Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Little Tenor

Here come the blossoms
seen today
after the wildest winds
nearly blew them away.

I have not yet seen
 a leprechaun
in this lemon tree
but truly you and me
 do know
little helpers come and so
nine lemons did grow
through the winter season
when juicy fruit warmed our hearts
with much delight
 in each surprise
there before our eyes.

This is for Leslye 

 The Little Tenor,
 after 6 years,
is the tree singing
or is the leprechaun bringing
the fruits
 as proof of life?

See comments October 24, 2019


Friday, October 25, 2019

So Marvellous Indeed To See These Birds

Image Credit: Martin Willis/Minden Pictures 
 Australian Geographic June 2009

Happy National Bird Week, October 2019

This pair of endangered
 Gouldian finches
 found in The Kimberley,
 Western Australia

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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lead Kindly Light

Yes I look deeply at the flowers
I listen to their whispers,
I cherish every bloom
I gather for my room.

And as every season comes and goes
I love to share my joy,
even if I only send
a photograph to a friend,
the bloom will sing
and everything will be shining.

What I share with you today
is this absorbing Lilac Light
which called me over like a distant star
guiding and lifting my day,
each petal in the beauty way.

To be with Lilac is for me
the greatest joy
the softest smile
the gentle blessing as I pass by
fills my heart and scents the sky,
so as there is an angel singing
I hope my words will boost the bringing
of this simple star
from over here to where you are.

May kindly light be with you.

May you feel some comfort and know
how flowers have the answer to the question.
In quiet times,
all things come to pass,
may you know peace in your heart.

All These Treasures To Share

This very morning
with a bright blue dawning
as Spring sings so perfectly
every wish came to me.

 Scents drift on the breeze
as I gather delicious blooms
and bring them to my room.

So gloriously
 joy is with me.
Honeysuckle sings
and all I wish to do
is share all of this with you.

- o O o -

Friday, October 11, 2019

Soft Lamp Lighting The Way

What a delightful vision
you are 
lighting the path
along the way
as I rest presently
here today beside you.
Were you there in Assisi
lighting the path
and greeting the monks
at the chapel door?
Tell me more.
In all the world
could we ever count
the colors of green to be seen
 around the brown of the olden days.
This is my first vision of you
Italian Arum Lily bloom.
Do please stay.
 Did you hear the thrush today,
  whistling through
 this morning dew to welcome you?

Now I will sing
 in my own quiet way
for the joy of bird songs
in the garden today.
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Sunday, October 6, 2019

For Love Of Trees

We came for the trees
after lives
 of never thriving,
we came alive
we walked the hills
we lay in grass
and planted the fields
but there was always
always leaving.

And this continued.
More walking
through forests
and over mountains,
the quiet times
the longing
the yearning
the creation
the separation,
the seemingly endless

But here today
as the lilacs bloom
 under the cloudy sky
I know why
the charity of sweet fragrance
fills my heart
with calm,
with peace
beneath the trees,
the magpie flies above
and now it is my time
to find the way every day.

God knows
where you are
and I know I am with him.

'God goes with me where ever I am.'
Trees grow
 where they are planted
birds fly
 across the sky
and sing each day.

A bird is heard
whenever we are listening.
I am listening now,
I am here now.

We came to be with the trees.
This understanding
shines the light through me.

Lesson 41:
"God goes with me wherever I go"
A Course In Miracles
Foundation For Inner Peace

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Lilac, Lovely Lilac

The mist drifts
through this strange day
you lift
you bloom
you fill the room
with the sweetest song
we all belong
to one wide world
and one bright day
and here we are in every way
singing our souls back home
this present hour
because you are a lovely flower. 

For Bernice, Beryl, Amy, Myrtle and May

Saturday, October 5, 2019

We Curve And Grow And Know

I am still.
It is there, in the silence
I hear everything.

Inner knowing
Trees growing
I am open
I remain there.

It is within me
as timelessly as a tree.

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