Friday, May 24, 2024

As Every Leaf Leaves

As every leaf leaves
and so do you,
will you ever know
where I landed.

I wonder if you will ever see,
I am a falling leaf.
I feel like a falling leaf.
I came to leave as quietly as an autumn leaf.
I came to leave as quietly as an autumn leaf.
I came to quietly leave this autumn tree.
Now may I rest peacefully. 
Part 2
Do we see different trees?
My Sorrow lands as Autumn leaves.
As quiet as you say you are,
I hear the leaf-blower blasting me
as it seems to be
blowing leaves OFF my trees,
blowing the leaves off my tree.
If leaves on an autumn tree
represent Humanity,
and if I share with you,
through the summer winds
and then it seems in your storms,
you need me to leave your branch
before my Mother Nature calls.
So then I do.
I go.
So, that being so,
I am unprepared for that call.
And so I fall.
I fall.

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