Thursday, July 5, 2018

Flowering Again

If you ever
saw a Tree Peony,
it looks dead in Winter.
No stalks, no leaves.
A hidden beauty.
Not seen,
 at all in the soil,
until the spring
when suddenly
the bright cherry
 shoots and leaves
rapidly turning to green.
And then,
from out of nowhere
 new buds come.

come the blooms,
comes the joy
when we see
the light within shining. 

And so,
 on this winters day
as my precious mother
 passed away,
I know,
nothing hidden
 will remain unseen,
and her beauty shines
and her bloom will be
shining through for all to see.
- o O o -


  1. "A loving daughter writes with a gentle tenderness as a tribute to her beloved Mother. Her poetic skill masks her tears but helps her wounds to heal. Love never dies."

    Love, Jean xx

  2. Bless you Dear Jean,

    For all the love and spiritual healing you gave my Mum, (and myself), in her final weeks, and your care for years as to her well-being in the end phases of her life.

    I am grateful to have your beautiful book "The Dead Never Die: A True Story of Love, Death & Hope" here with me in the hard copy, having read the Kindle version on Amazon several years ago.

    Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

    Peace and Love Be With You,
    Love Bee xxx
