Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Winter Time

There comes this time
when I hear you say
there are other ways
to proceed through
the coming days.

Keep still, keep silent.
Listen to the mystic voice,
observe squirrels
and rejoice
in the winter light,
the damp of days and longest night.
Do as you have always yearned.
Go deeper.

Then in the spring
the well within
will be renewed
and the outward life
will call again
and all will be well,
all is well
and all is always well.
Time does know
and time will tell,
the only place to always dwell
is in the space
that Love for all does embrace.

- o O o -



  1. Dear Friends,
    The photo is one I took just now.

    It is in truth, the photo on the lid of Squirrel's very old fruit cake tin. One of my Mum's treasures I have inherited in recent months.

    Wishing you warmth for the coming Winter in our Southern Hemisphere

    Blessings and Peace,
    Love Bee x

  2. Thank you Bee. It's lovely mum came to you via a cake tin and verse. Thanks too for the inspiration to rest, especially as a natural and necessary part of our lives. Love Gra xo

    1. Hello Gra,

      It does seem odd having a winter verse come to me in Autumn but here in the hills we have just had a record coldest day in May, where at Mt Lofty it was a maximum temperature of 7 degrees. And last week it was 30 degrees!
      And some birds are nesting. And this week, chestnuts are in the shops, fresh to roast. What a puzzle.

      Keep cosy
      With love Bee x
