Thursday, March 22, 2018

Bring Your Gifts AND Thank You To Eddie Woo

This green autumn leaf
came suddenly
dropping down, in front of me.
"Yes I am small for my tree,
but I knew
you would notice me".
I am like your palmistry,
showing you
Real choices and destiny.

You are here to teach
with botany
with heart
with reaching out
and dropping through,
with being who
is real inside,
no longer time to glide

You have your family
where souls belong
and all together we are one.
Just like the crocus, shining light,
calling bees and little ants,
seeking yet another chance
to be bright.
Be the one to add your gifts,
uplifting some
who do not know
"We Are All One" - 
Every soul connected to
the brightest light shining through.

(Written today March 22, 2018
with Liquidamber leaf
and my Autumn Crocus family)

What Joy!

This is my 300th post
to Come Blossom Come Fruit
I feel so inspired,
in every day,
 by beautiful trees, plants
and creatures around me.

All things bright and beautiful.

And I send gratitude and Love
to Eddie Woo and his family,
a brilliant,
 bright smiling Maths teacher.
He is Australian Local Hero 
of the Year 2018.

A man who created Wootube,
to teach his students maths
with passion, positivity,
enthusiasm, empathy and love.

He is a blessing.
I have tears of joy and gratitude 
for the life he lives and gives.

- oOo -


  1. Beautiful, Bee and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  2. Your work is life-affirming, soul-deepening and light-filled...Thank you so much!!!

    1. Oh Thank You Stuart.
      And as a bright, positive and brilliant teacher you are truly out there in the remote Aboriginal lands, living deep with the wisdom of All That Is..
      Always there and always expanding your open heart in the wide red lands, Love Bee xo

  3. The Happy Learner -

    "When you teach anyone that truth is true, you learn it with him.
    And so you learn that what seemed hardest was the easiest.
    Learn to be a happy learner.......

    ......the universe of learning will open up before you in all its gracious simplicity. With truth before you, you will not look back "
    A Course In Miracles - Text
